Neuropsychological Assessments

Who do we work with?

Our neuropsychological assessments are provided for children, teenagers, and adults. Neuropsychological assessments are typically requested because an individual is not functioning as well as they had been at home, school, or work. Clients that we serve have often experienced an acquired brain injury (e.g., traumatic brain injury/concussion, stroke, brain tumour), have a neurodevelopmental disability which may affect learning (e.g., cerebral palsy, spina bifida) or have a significant psychological condition (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, clinical depression).

What do we do?

Neuropsychological assessments evaluate an individual’s cognitive and academic abilities:

  • Verbal and visual reasoning
  • Working Memory
  • Processing Speed
  • Reading, Writing, Math
  • Visual Perception
  • Motor Skills
  • Tactile Perception
  • Verbal and visual memory
  • Executive Functions
  • Attention
  • Emotional Functioning
A neuropsychological assessment report:
  1. Describes strengths, weaknesses, and the nature and possible causes of any deficits,
  2. Reviews the implications of these deficits on daily functioning,
  3. Provides recommendations and strategies for on-going case management, education and/or rehabilitation, and
  4. Discusses prognosis for future functioning.
What does the assessment consist of?
  • One-on-one testing with the client and the psychologist or psychometrist for a full day
  • Interview with parent/guardian (if child/teenager assessment) or client (if adult assessment)
  • Interview with teacher, as appropriate
  • Comprehensive written report that includes test results, diagnostic findings & recommendations
  • Feedback, as appropriate with client, parent, and/or referral source
  • Participation of the psychologist in the school program planning process, as appropriate

We pride ourselves on the quality and comprehensiveness of our assessments and reports.
Our practice routinely conducts assessments for legal and medical professionals, insurance companies, and employers.