School-related Assessments

School-related assessments (also known as psychoeducational assessments) – are conducted when students are performing differently from what might be expected in preschool, school, community college, or university. We strive to answer these questions:

Is there a learning disability?

Learning disabilities are suspected when a student is under-performing academically or achievement is only maintained by unusually high levels of effort or support. A learning disability can affect a student’s use of oral or written language, or their reading or mathematics achievement. Learning disabilities may also involve difficulties with organizational skills, social interaction, and many other aspects of daily life.

Is there ADHD?

ADHD assessments are done when there are concerns about attention, organization, impulsivity, and/or restless behaviour. Our practice specializes in identifying and confirming ADHD. A thorough diagnostic process is necessary to distinguish between ADHD and other factors, such as anxiety or learning challenges. Our ADHD assessments generally follow a similar process as our school-related assessments, but we also evaluate symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity using multiple sources of information. We examine whether these symptoms are impairing daily functioning in home, school, and/or work settings.

Is my child gifted and in need of enrichment?

Some students may not be challenged in school and may become disinterested in the classroom. An assessment can provide information toward understanding the highly complex cognitive abilities of gifted children. We provide recommendations on the best ways to support their gifts and enrich their experience at school and at home. Giftedness assessments are available for children aged 6 years and above.

Is my child ready for school?

What supports can be put in place to help my child succeed in school? Experiences in the preschool years can have a significant impact on an individual’s developmental and educational outcomes. When there are concerns around possible learning or attentional concerns during the preschool years, an Early Academic Learning Assessment (ages 3-5 years) may be warranted. These evaluations include assessment of cognitive processing, school readiness and basic academic skills, and adaptive and behavioural functioning. The psychologist can then assist parents in making decisions around preschool and school readiness, as well as make recommendations for support or intervention, as needed.

What we Do


We identify cognitive (thinking and reasoning), academic and behavioural strengths and needs in order to understand an individual’s learning and behavioural profile. Through the assessment process we are better able to identify the individual’s overall strengths and needs.


Once we identify strengths and needs, our job is to inform and educate. When a diagnosis is made we strive to ensure that clients, their families and individuals working closely with the client are educated about it. We explain why the diagnosis has been provided, the criteria associated with it and resources that may be helpful when seeking additional information.


We emphasize the importance of advocacy. Advocacy is speaking up for, or acting on behalf of, yourself or another person. An effective advocate is able to recognize skills and strengths and obtain help in required areas. We promote advocacy by providing information about your possible next steps and help in the decision making process.

  • Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning
  • Working Memory
  • Processing Speed
  • Phonological Processing
  • Receptive and Expressive Language
  • Reading Decoding, Fluency
    and Comprehension
  • Handwriting, Spelling and Written Expression
  • Mathematics Calculations and Reasoning
  • Visual-Spatial Abilities
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Memory
  • Executive Functioning & Attention
  • Social Skills and Awareness
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Reading Disabilities/Dyslexia
  • Mathematics Disabilities
  • Written Expression Disabilities
  • Non-verbal Learning Disorder
  • Language Disorders
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Memory Problems
  • Executive Dysfunction
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Remediation
  • Tutoring and study Skills
  • Coaching/Therapy
  • Individualized Program Plans
  • Adaptations/Accommodations
  • Tuition Support Plan
  • Disability Tax Credit
  • Canada Study Grant
  • Disability Resource Facilitator
  • Vocational Goals
  • Central Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Speech Language Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Social Skills Training

What does the assessment consist of?

  • One-on-one testing with the client and the psychologist or psychometrist, usually for one full-day
  • Interview with parent/guardian if child/teenager assessment, or client if an adult assessment
  • Consultation with educators and other professionals, for example, referring professionals, other involved service providers, as appropriate
  • Comprehensive written report that includes test results, diagnostic findings, and recommendations
  • Client and/or parent feedback, as appropriate
  • Participation of the Psychologist in the school program planning process, as appropriate
  • Assistance with “next steps,” for example, completing paperwork relevant to accessing supports and funding.

For children in French Immersion, educational assessments may involve testing in both French and English. School-related assessments are also available for Francophone students. The testing is conducted primarily or exclusively in French, using French assessment measures.

We pride ourselves on the quality and comprehensiveness of our assessments and reports.

We believe that assessments should lead to the empowerment of clients and to an improved quality of life for clients and their families. With understanding the potential to learn is limitless.